You can return Stocked Products to us for free (excluding Non-returnable Goods). We will offer refunds or credits for items returned within 30 days of delivery, provided they remain unopened and are returned in their original packaging and condition.
To begin a return, follow these steps:
- Go to your 'Order History' and locate the relevant order. If the return icon under the order date appears in blue, it means returns are possible for this order:
- Click on the blue icon, and you will be given the option to return the entire delivery or individual items. You can also adjust the quantity to be returned.
- After selecting the item(s) for return, click 'Confirm Return.' You will then be prompted to choose a reason for the return from the drop-down menu:
- Confirm that the items are still in their original packaging and click 'Confirm.'
- Returns will be collected from the address they were originally delivered to within 5 working days.
For additional support, please send our Customer Service Team an email at
Please have either your Lyreco customer number, order number, invoice number or your own Purchase Order number to hand.