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Is it possible to save the order and proceed with the purchase at a later time?

If you wish to preserve an order for future reference or create a new order without affecting your current one, our 'Parked Orders' feature allows you to do just that.

Here's how to use it:

1. At the top of your shopping basket, you'll find a link labelled 'Save Cart for Later Use.' Click on this link.

2. A pop-up window will appear. Simply assign a name to your saved cart within this pop-up and click 'Submit.'

3. Your cart is now securely saved and accessible in your 'Parked Orders' section within your account.

To retrieve a parked order, log in, click on the user icon, go to 'Order History,' and then select 'Parked Orders.'

Here, you'll find your parked order listed with the reference name you provided. You can either delete the parked order or add its contents back to your shopping cart.

Please note that using the parked order feature will not replace your current shopping cart but will preserve the items separately for your convenience.

Alternatively, your products will remain in the basket pending purchase or further changes. For a more detailed visual guide, please click here to visit page 16 of the WebShop guide.

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