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Can I return non-catalogue (special) products?

Lyreco offers over 7,000 products which means that we have a product for every need and requirement for your business needs. Products are selected for both their quality but also on the reliability of the suppliers to make sure that we always have stock ready to deliver to you next day. That’s why we are proudly able to offer our customers more than 99.5% stock availability and next day delivery to our valuable customers who appreciate the quality of our products and the consistency of our service.

However, despite our great service levels we also understand you may also want products which are not in our catalogue and we may be able to help you. These products are called nonstock and such products have been sourced from other suppliers and cannot be returned (unless they arrive faulty).

Please research carefully before ordering these products from Lyreco.

If you require further information, please contact our Customer Service Team on 02 338 0200, send us an email on TH.Orders@Lyreco.com or contact us through our Live Chat function for immediate assistance.

Please have either your Lyreco customer number, which starts with a 1300XXXXX , your order number or your own Purchase Order number to hand when contacting us.

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